About Me

Monday, May 16, 2011

ZANGOC Member Orgs - Part 1

Originally I wanted to wait on this blog post until I completed all of my visits with the member organizations. However, as the remaining organization are out of town and people are busy I have a hard time arranging these meetings and transportation. 

My target amount of members to visit is 36 out of 40 as 4 organizations operate on Pemba Island (a smaller island in the Zanzibar archipelago 50km north of Unjuga - Unjuga is the island I live on). Don't get me wrong, I would love to go to Pemba for a visit as it is supposed to be very beautiful and very different than Unjuga, however, it is highly doubtful that I can fund such an excursion for myself and someone from ZANGOC to go with me. 

Purpose of my visits with the member orgs:
To conduct a data collection mapping exercise of the service and program areas of each participating NGO registered with ZANGOC. This exercise is not to be an evaluation, but a chance for ZANGOC and YCI to learn about the services provided by its NGO members. This information will help us identify training needs and possible areas for coordination. With this information, we hope to produce a ZANGOC directory of its members and the services they provide.

Purpose of these particular blog entries:
Most of the member organizations, including ZANGOC, do not have websites where they can engage in the Tanzania and international communities and share their experiences and knowledge. My aim of these blog posts is to increase the visibility of ZANGOC and its member orgs on a national and international level. I intend to create a short synopsis of each organization with contact info and then allow my blog to be "google searchable." This will hopefully increase the visibility of these organizations whereby if one were to "google" COWPZ or entrepreneurship, they will find a link to my blog and be able to contact COWPZ for more information on their organization and projects.

Please note that these particular blog entries are not intended to be read in their entirety as they will be very long. However, if you are interested in Zanzibar’s NGOs on HIV/AIDS prevention and control then I encourage you to skim through the information below!

Thank you
COWPZ – Catalyst Organization for Women’s Progress in Zanzibar (NGO)
Vision: to support and empower women and young people socially, economically and politically through financial support, entrepreneurship and capacity building.
Project focus: HIV/AIDS, malaria, empowerment of women entrepreneurs (through management skills, loans and Income Generating Activities)

TAMOFA – Tanzania and Mozambique Friendship Association
Vision : To provide education for the provision of HIV/AIDS, the environment and women’s groups
Mission: To eliminate HIV/AIDS infection and poverty reduction in Tanzania and Mozambique through coordination with other NGOs
Project focus: Education sector on advocacy, poverty reduction, gender, environment
UMAWA – Retired Armed Forces Organization
Vision/Mission: To reduce poverty and provide education and awareness to members on HIV/AIDS infections and environmental issues
Project focus: health education, HIV/AIDS awareness, Behavioral Change (with young and adult males), MARPs - Most at Risk Popoulations, focusing on MSM (men who have sex with men)

ZAPHA+ - Zanzibar Association of People Living with HIV/AIDS
Vision : To envision a stigma and discrimination free Zanzibar where people infected by and living with HIV/AIDS are socially, economically and politically empowered and treated equally
Mission: To improve the equality of life of people infected or affected by HIV (physically and psychosocially). Also to increase participation on decision making powers through strategic prevention, care, treatment and support impact mitigation and enabling environment interventions.

Project Focus: Awareness, IGAs, care, OVC programs, children and youth clubs, VCT pre and post counseling, psycho-social support and materials. Therapists, training, life skills, reproductive health, stigma reduction. All programs and projects aim to be gender sensitive.

Anglican Church
Vision: to spread the holy bible so everyone can carry out his/her own work load
Project focus: Heifer projects which focus on awareness on HIV/AIDS

RADEA – Rahaleo Development Association 
Vision: to have an association that is well aware of political, social and economic development
Mission: to make sure the constituency are well conscious and aware of their own constitutional development and to steer community development

Project focus: electoral campaigns to make people aware of their rights and choices. Post electoral campaigns to unite people in all Sheiahs in the constituencies (hold annual football tournaments). Referendum campaigns to help people understand issues. Advertise through TBS (Tanzania Broadcast Association). 

Media Group
Vision: to educate the community on HIV/AIDS, poverty reduction and its related issues
Mission: to increase awareness on these issues to the community through media interventions

Project focus: adult and reproductive health, support to conduct activities on education on HIV/AIDS to youth through media

ZAO – Zanzibar Anti Poverty Organization 
Vision: Better and improved living for youth in Zanzibar in all aspects of life, in rural and urban areas
Mission: Involving youth and to facilitate their activities toward a better living situation individually and for the community

Main Objective: to help youth who drop out of school early due to poverty

ZAO takes a cooperative effort to make sure youth get a good up bringing and to encourage them to escape bad group pressure and to educate them on the affects of HIV/AIDS, early marriage and drug abuse. ZAO also focuses on support for OVCs and MVCs – questionnaire is used to select these target groups

Project focus: HIV/AIDS prevention, stigma and discrimination reduction, poverty reduction in the sectors of IGAs, culture, environment and education

ZIFYA – Zanzibar Initiative for Youth 
Vision: to build a community for all which cares, protects, fights and unites youth to have fair participation in community activities thereby strengthening the capacity for social and economic development
Mission: To build a community in social and economic development within satisfactory environment to ensure youth participation inclusively within communities within Zanzibar

Project focus: HIV/AIDS prevention, stigma and discrimination reduction, poverty reduction, environmental issues, drug abuse, entrepreneurship, election campaigns. Sectors: Health, Environment, Education, Drug utilization

ZASO – Zanzibar AIDS Association and Support of Orphans
Vision: ZASO is dedicated to build a society that will not stigmatize the AIDS orphans
Mission: to contribute to the wellbeing of the AIDS orphans in Zanzibar

Main Objectives:
  1. To provide support for the physical and social well being to AIDS orphans
  2. To mobilize and educate the community on the need to live harmoniously with AIDS orphans
  3. To collaborate with legal institutions so that rights of AIDS orphans are protected
  4. To educate the community about AIDS and prevention techniques so as to lower the number of infected persons and orphans in Zanzibar
Previous programs:
  1. Material support to orphans including school and bedding materials, food, hygiene etc
  2. Peer education and theatre shows to OVCs and youth through trained peer educators and theatre artists
  3. Home Based care for orphans who are HIV+
  4. IGAs to guardians and older orphans
  5. Debate competitions in schools to enhance HIV/AIDS current information and giving skills in leadership development

ZAIADA – Zanzibar Association of Information Against Drug Abuse and Alcohol
Vision: ZAIADA envisions creating a substance abuse free society in Zanzibar
Mission: Reducing the demand of psychoactive substance abuse and lessening the socio-economic impact associated with the abuse of the substances on individual, family and the community at large

  1. To contribute to the reduction of psychoactive substance abuse with specific attention to youth
  2. To contribute to the reduction of socio-economic impact related to psychoactive substance abuse in the society

ZANA – Zanzibar Nurses Association
Vision: High standards of nursing services and professionalism
Mission: To promote, strengthen and advocate for the nursing profession which will result in high standards of nursing services and professionalism.

Main Objective: Improving the quality of nursing services and the betterment of health care services to the Zanzibar community

Current project: 4 year Home Based Care project to people living with HIV/AIDS and chronic diseases funded through Africare

Previous projects:
·         Malaria prevention funded through ZMCP
·         Reproductive health and post exposure funded through the Ford Foundation and UNICEF
·         Providing food to vulnerable children funded through the WFP
·         Workplace violence funded through ECSACOM (East, Central, South Africa Community)
·         Family planning (natural methods SDM) funded through the Ford Foundation
·         HIV/AIDS prevention and advocacy funded through ZAC
·         Home based care funded through RFE

ZAMWASO – Zanzibar Muslim Women’s AIDS Support Organization
Project focus: Counseling and home based care of orphans and families, awareness raising on HIV/AIDS, spiritual counseling, capacity building, environment, malaria control
Target population: OVCs and women

ZACA – Zanzibar Association for Children’s Advancement
Vision: ZACA envisages creating a Child and Youth Friendly Society in Zanzibar
Mission: To contribute to the improvement of the most vulnerable children’s condition and to promote positive behaviour change of youth in Zanzibar through Advocacy, training, provision of psychosocial support and education

Goal: To attain a level of awareness where the society adheres to all child and youth rights and protects those who are in poor living conditions and or at high risk

Past and Current Projects:
·         Protecting youth against HIV, prevention training to MVC and youth between the ages of 10-24yrs
·         Advocate for children’s rights and to train the community on the rights of the child (this project is in 2 districts)
·         Weekend trainings on HIV prevention to domestic house girls: to know their rights and how to stay safe from abuse (100 girls trained in urban and west districts)
·         Established 120 child clubs to empower children and youth to know their rights and to avoid violence against children/youth
·         Supported vulnerable children by giving school fees. This was done in 9 Sheiahs in West, South, Urban and Central districts

UMATI – Family Planning Association of Tanzania
The Association has a long history of leadership in SRH programmes in the country, including pioneering in family planning (FP) services, Family Life Education for youths, and providing integrated clinic and Community based service delivery approaches.

Current Project of UMATI Zanzibar: Ujana Rapid Response Project funded through FHI.
Main objectives of project:
1.       Improved knowledge of parent to youth communication and education
2.       Improved knowledge of unsafe sex with multiple partners in CSW
Past Projects: Substance abuse funded through FHI, a 4 month project in 2010. Parent to child communication project funded through RFE, a 1 year project in 2009-10 reached 40 Sheiahs


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