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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Obruni, no punch backs!

So the title of this blog is a game that I have created which is similar to "punch buggy, no punch backs" instead we replace punch buggy with obruni! So far Fred is winning but we are always on the look out!

Our workshops are going well, I really love the 2nd year students at the YMCA school. Yesterday we had them write an essay on if they could spend a day with anyone in the world, who would it be and why. A few of them chose to spend the imaginary day with me and reading their stories brought a smile to my face! Some of the girls wanted to take me to the beach and others wanted to go out for dinner so we they can practice their English.

On Saturday we went to Busua Beach which is absolutely gorgeous! We arrived early in the morning so we were able to spend the entire day laying on the beach, drinking star and wondering around the town. During one of our walks on the beach we ended up with a small group of boys behind us and I made a new friend! His name is Ishmael and his father is the Pan cake man!

Me and Ishmael

Needless to say, I didn't want to leave Busua...even though we have a beach here in Takoradi, it's just not the same atmosphere! We had to leave Sunday morning because we had to be back in Tadi for yet another workshop Sunday evening with the Rotaract Club. The Rotaract Club is the Rotary club but it's for young adults instead of older adults. We didn't want to give up a full day at the beach but once we got to the meeting it turned out to be a good time. It was nice to meet people our own age and one of the girls offered to take us to her seamstress so that we can have proper dresses made! So yesterday we met up where and went to the market to buy our material and this evening we're going to pick out the style of dress that we want made. It's an exciting process, especially since I've never had anything tailored specifically for me, nor have I picked out the fabric that I want!

My soon to be dress!

Stay tuned tuned for pictures of the final products!

1 comment:

  1. You look great and sound like you having a great and busy adventure...love you and keep safe....Kelly, Trevor & Ashley
