About Me

Friday, October 8, 2010

Good Morning, Good Afternoon and Goodnight!

In Ghana, you don't just say "hello" or "bye" instead you should specify your greetings using the time of day! So, I will say good morning to you all!

This is the first posting since I've been in Ghana and we've done so much already! We arrived in Accra (the capital city) Monday evening and met with Fred who is our in country manager and Jane who is the acting country manager for YCI in Ghana. I was actually able to sleep Monday evening because the flight and the lay over in Amsterdam were just exhausting.

We only spent one full day in Accra which was jam packed with orientation and meetings, but we were lucky enough to meet the Canadian High Commissioner who just started her role here in Ghana, she was previously working immigration in Nairobi.

Wednesday morning we had a long tro-tro ride (bus ride) to the city where we are currently living, Takoradi...it's on the coast and we've been told that the beach is right behind the place where we're staying, unfortunately we've been so busy the past 2 days that we haven't had time to go there yet. And believe me, we want to because, YES it is HOT here! Mind you, the cold bucket showers that I've been having are a nice and refreshing way to cool of in the evening!

I woke up in the middle of the night last night and wondered why Devon (my roommate) had turned the ceiling fan off. Some how, in my sleepy state I managed to piece the puzzle together and I came to the realization that our power had went off. Needless to say, the rest of the night was hot and restless and this morning's bucket shower was by the light of my flashlight!

My internet time is running out but next week I will have some pictures to post along with our weekend trip and more of an explanation of what the heck we're doing here....which we only just really pieced together yesterday and today. Hey, it is what it is!

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